5 Tips To Grow YouTube Channel in 2021 from Zero

5 Tips To Grow YouTube Channel In 2021 from Zero

5 Tips To Grow YouTube Channel In 2021 from Zero
Image Source: www.hd1webdesign.com

Growing a channel can be hard. Many YouTubers are experiencing difficulties in starting a YouTube channel in 2021. There are so many people out there to watch and a lot of people, they already made videos. Starting YouTube from scratch is hard but in this article, you’ll learn how to grow a YouTube channel from nothing and get some advice on how to grow your YouTube channel from nothing.

1. Start Before You Are Ready

It’s shouldn’t wait for all the answers. We admire that you’re reading this article but you need to upload your videos on YouTube so you can have something for people to subscribe to your channel. And you need to learn what it takes to make compelling content that will get people to want to be going to your channel.
And always remember that your first video is gonna be your worst videos while those videos weren’t good yet we think that you’re awesome because you were part of the journey to learning YouTube.

Image source: www.heartsandall.com

2.Share Your Channel To People Around you

Tell people about your channel that you know like your family, friends. They might be your best supporters when you’re just starting. And you need to share it with them that you’re starting a channel. You know every people have at least a double hundred friends on their Facebook which would be great people to be your first subscribers when you’re just starting.
Your goal here is not to spam anybody and it’s not all of your family and friends are going to care but let’s think about starting with your network and also think about putting the links on the description of your videos, your Instagram Bio, posting it on your social media. You need to let people know that you’re posting your YouTube videos. Remember you have to do this a lot, put some passion around your vision.

Image source: www.brickmarketing.com

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3. Focus On a Niche

When you’re starting from scratch is understanding that having a focused niche is a lot more powerful than having a general channel. If you try and reach everybody, you’re gonna end up reaching nobody so you will think that who is your target audience.

You need to know, what are they interested in? if you have a technology channel then it’s people interested in learning technology but people who are not interested in technology so won’t care but that’s good because you have to start small to get big and it also needs much time to succeed. Before you start to make the content you should know that Why would people be interested in your content? What is the value of your video?

Image source: www.eofire.com

4. Engagement

This is very important to do and remembers to do because it’s not necessarily about the video that you already upload, there is something you do after you upload your video or before or during, you should go to other people’s video, comment, and go on social media to find the people that are interested in your type of content and then you should comment back, reply and answer the question.
Don’t just straight up, ask for their subscribership, add value some way, and when you are supporting them so they will support you back.

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5. Content is The King

Is your video making someone laugh or happy? Is it answering a question? Is it solving a problem? What is it doing for someone’s life? If you can answer all these questions and make that happen in your video content, you’re on the right track. We think all of us will be know the phrase Content is king and when you are successful on YouTube comes down to consistent, strategic, quality content. One of our important tips is before you press the button to record your video.

You have to do some research and some preparation. And Spend some more time going to the YouTube search bar looking for videos to get more ideas. That gives you some ideas for your video and your titles. And spend some time asking questions on Facebook, Instagram, or in the community looking for new topics that are trending in culture and then make a plan of your video that will improve the strength of your content.

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