How to get views and subscribers from scratch on YouTube in 2021

How to get views and subscribers from scratch in 2021

We know how you feel when you have 0 views and 0 subscribers. It’s really hard while you are getting started, and no one knows who you are yet, what kind of content you produce. You have spent your time making plans, your scripting, your filming, editing the videos and you’re all excited.
How to get views and subscribers from scratch on youtube in 2021
Then when you upload it to youtube, only a few people watch it. We know what it’s like when you’re starting from scratch, so how do you grow your youtube channel with 0 views and 0 subscribers? It’s not difficult to grow your youtube channel if your youtube channel already has many subscribers, and you’re already famous.
Then it’s easy for your video to get viral or to get more views when you already have a youtube channel that people know a lot about your channel. But what should you do if you’re starting your channel from scratch?

In this article, we gonna share 5 things with you. So please make sure you stay to read until the end, we share some tips with you that will explode your subscribers and your views.

1. Use Compelling Titles

Use-Compelling-Titles You don’t want to make your viewer boring with your video. One of the biggest is you could commit as a Youtubers is to have boring titles. There are YouTubers out there that have boring titles, they still have millions of followers. And for most people who are starting from 0 views and 0 subscribers, you wanna have compelling titles for your video because people are searching for you. They don’t know you yet.

Let us give you some proven headline or just some ideas when it comes to titles. The first, is “How to…” is always a very powerful title because people go on youtube, they wanna find out. It has a promise and also tells them that you’ll learn how to do something from your video. So “how to…” is a great category on youtube.

Second, it could be a form of that, like “how I…”. And another good title is “Secrets of…”, people wanna know what are the secrets. And if you have a specific number like 3 or 4 or 5, that’s even more powerful.

The last example and is a headline, a title that’s outcome-driven. For example, the most dangerous animals in the oceans.

That’s interesting, it has a very particular, and very specific pay off. When they click on that video before they even click on it, they already know what they are going to get from your video. And when your channel is small, when you have 0 views and 0 subscribers, you have to make sure that people know who you are? And if you have millions of followers and subscribers, that will easy to make them wanna know what is going on.

Those vlogging type videos you will get the attraction. But in the beginning, it’s much more difficult to get traction if you do not well know yet. Why not focus on a topic that people are already searching for like using how to, using warning, using secrets of if you using those proven titles. That way your channel will grow much faster.

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2. Make them interested with a YouTube trailer

avengers-endgame-idee-scartate-rappresentano-spoiler-film-futuri-perche-v4-498925 Think about famous movies before it comes out, you’re all excited. Many of the movie company, they release a trailer. They give you some of the best scenes from the movies so when the movie comes out you’re looking forward. You should do the same thing for your youtube channel, you have your first time visitor going to your channel, going to the homepage of your channel. They could click on your videos and they could see what your channel is about.

People need to know and they need to have a reason why they need to watch your videos. It’s not enough to say that your content is fantastic, your videos are fantastic that people should subscribe. Don’t just do like that it’s not good enough.

In your video trailer, you should tell them who you are, what you’re about, how often you upload your videos, why should they subscribe, and exactly what you want them to do. What are the benefits? why should people subscribe to your channel? You should tell them what they gonna learn more from your videos, they gonna get this kind of value. And also tell them every single week that you upload one video or two videos or every single Monday and Thursday you will upload a video for them, tell them the frequency of your uploads so they will know what to expect.

And make sure that you tell them exactly what you want them to do, don’t assume because you have good content and they’ll naturally subscribe. Don’t do that, you have told them so tell them to click on the button subscribe to your youtube channel, and tell them to make sure that they hit the bell to turn on the notifications.
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3. Fall in love with your fans

Make sure that you fall in love with your fans, not your content. The biggest mistake that YouTubers made is they make videos that they want to make instead of making videos that your fans want.

It’s very easy to forget that other people are being behind this, watching you. You look at the thumbs up, you look at numbers, you look at the views, you look at subscribers and you think it’s just a digit, it’s not just a digit, behind this there’s a person. There’s a human being with feelings, emotions, and struggles. Don’t ever treat your fan like a digit, it’s important.

One more thing, it’s also important to make Q and A with your fans and submitting a question then answer them, interact, and comment. That will make a huge difference so you have to care about your fans.

As a YouTubers, you could give your fans comment a heart, to let them know, and when you do that, your fan who left a comment would get a notification that you have given them a heart.

4. Have an Action in your Video

call-to-action You should tell your viewers exactly what you want them to do. Do you want to share your video or do you want them to give you a thumbs up or do you want them to comment below on your video? One of the things that you have to do when you started telling your viewers to click on the button below and subscribe to your channel.
And you will see a significant jump in terms of subscribers that you get. And there are many ways you can do, and many ways you can insert a call to action.

Let us give you an example, you can do it before, during, and after. So, you can say something like “hey, if this is the first time you watching my video make sure you hit the subscribe button.” You could do something like that or during your video, you could say “if you want me to teach you more about this or you want me to share more about this experience, or you want me to make more of this kind of video, make sure you comment below and don’t forget to subscribe.” And you also can do it at the end of your video.

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5. Long term consistency trumps Short term Intensity

short-term-pain-long-term-gains Most YouTubers, give up too soon, they upload some video, or they upload a dozen videos and then they give up because they are saying to themselves, no one is watching their video, they not getting enough views, no comment, why?
they spent much time making these videos.
We know how you feel when you upload a video and you spend all that time, you’re creating that perfect piece of content, and then on one watches your video but you have to stay consistent.

You have to think that this is a long-term game and think of it as like you’re pushing a snowball uphill, in the beginning, it’s very heavy and difficult and you still keep pushing until you hit a tipping point, once you go over the mountain, the hump. Then everything becomes faster than the beginning.

If you upload your video two times a week instead of one time, your channel will grow faster. And if you upload three times a week instead of two times, your channel will grow even faster.

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